
WTM * Transmitting module for activating GEZE automatic doors and window drives via the GEZE wireless programme

WTM transmitting module closed Activation device
  • Encrypted communication via rolling code with up to 74 trillion code combinations
  • Custom and reliable teach-in to exclude unauthorised activation
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Application Areas

  • Activation of GEZE automatic doors and window drives via the GEZE wireless program
  • Retrofitting without needing to lay cables and using existing switches/push buttons

Technical data

Dimensions 44 x 30 x 11 mm
IP rating IP20
Type of installation Integrated
Connection type Cable prepared for connection to screw terminal
Transmission frequency 433.93 Mhz

Variants & Accessories


GEZE Sales +45 46 32 33 24 GEZE Service +45 70 20 26 62